Calibration, simply put, is the standardization of a measuring instrument. It is achieved by a set of operations that relate the values / quantities indicated by the measuring instruments against an accurate traceable standard in order to enables users
and businesses to have confidence in the results that they monitors, record and subsequently control.
Any industry, whether in manufacturing or service sector, must have accurate and reliable measurements if they are to achieve their quality and safety goals. We have the latest instruments, standards, knowledge
and skills to calibrate, majority type of Test & Measuring Instruments.
Calibration is vitally important wherever measurements are important so as to quantify and controls errors and uncertainties within measurement processes to an acceptable level. Our standards have traceability to national / international standards, so
you can be assured as to the accuracy of your instruments.
To make sure that your instruments continue to function well and measure accurately for years to come, please connect with us - Archercal Calibrations Private Limited: your reliable, experienced, and accredited